Sunday, 23 March 2014

Storyboard 8


The storyboard above shows more shots, 15 and 16, showing more of what is happening to Drew as the action continue. The first presented shot, number 15, in once again a short, fact paced shot, this time showing the drunk's torso as he grabs a fallen Drew and punches him. When before the kicking had been more at a further distance away from Drew, now crouched in front of Drew, this seems more personal and upclose. The drunkard is now getting into Drew's face, almost in a showoffy way as if to show Drew that he's not scared and he knows Drew won't/can't fight back. This can be interpreted as a sadistic move, a mixture of anger and pure aggression shown by his tightly fisted hands and tense shoulders. The drunk thug has definate power over a helpless Drew.
Once again fading out into a white flash, the next shot appearing shows more credits, the writer of the film. (After later evaluation and discussion we decided that this thriller opening needed more credits, so in the finished opening sequence not only are the director and writer introduced but the assistant director- me, and the costume 'designer') This shot, like previously doesn't last long and fades in as quick as it fades out, leaving enough time for the audience to read the name but not long enough to become boring.

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