Thursday, 27 March 2014


The original script-

The script shown below is the original script we had written and decided on using in our film. After discussing exactly what our film was going to be about, two of our group members took it upon themselves to come up with a believable script that fit in with our film concept and gave a background into the reason why the main character ends up in a coma; what exactly caused an altercation between the main character, Drew and another.

The reason why this isn't the script we used in the end product of the film was because we encountered a slight problem whilst filming. Only when we were at the specific location need to shoot the alleyway film did we realise that we did not have the script. None of the group members present had remembered to bring a copy, so filming required thinking on the spot and coming up with a script we though was roughly similar to the original.

Though the script presented here would have been preferred, as a group we felt that the fact we had to think on our toes and come up with a script from scratch was effective in creating a good script and we wanted to keep the improvised lines due to them having more of an organic feel and not sounding like rehearsed lines.

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