The next shots in the storyboard sequence shows the last of the dialog between the characters, with Drew on the ground up against a fence. The push from the thug in the previous shot has caused Drew to land on the ground from the impact, knocked down by the sheer force of the blow. If the drunkards power hadn't been established beforehand it, definitely had been now. Drew falls to the ground, crumpled showing his weakness and vulnerability. The low angled shot we decided to use here furthermore outlines this idea that Drew is completely under the thug's mercy. The low angled of the shot meas that we are now longer at an eye level with him, and neither is the drunk thug, taking away any sense of equality that might have been there before. If the power the drunkard has over Drew hadn't fully been established before hand, it had defiantly been now. Drew is to feel unsafe and in danger and I feel like this shot comes across with that emotion well.
The next shot, shot 10, shows a close up of the drunkard's boots, showing their detail and how they are getting much closer and nearing the camera lens, closer to the struggling Drew on the ground. This up close shot shows detail, showing more of who the thug is, in a way. The shoes are old and worn, as well as dirty. Normally, a person who cares about themselves and in turn their appearance would make sure they are wearing intact shoes, or that are at least somewhat clean. This isn't seen here. These feet belong to someone who doesn't care and if he doesn't care enough for his appearance or himself, he will definitely not care about someone else, currently the fallen, weak Drew.
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