Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Footage overview- script


As we went out to film the first scene, which requires/consists of dialog, we discovered that none of the group members had the script for this particular scene. This was a step back as it meant we had to try to remember what the conversation between Drew and the drunk was like. We eventually decided to just make the conversation up on the spot whist filming, resulting in a few mistakes and forgotten lines.

Looking back over the footage however we saw that the conversation flowed and made sense, so we decided to change/alter the script to what was said on the footage. This was of working backwards actually made some work easier as it mean that we could re-write the script as we heard the lines being said and there was no error of mispronounced or mixed up lines that could have occurred when our actors had to remember their lines.
This showed our groups quick thinking and that we can improvise in difficult situations.

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