Monday, 7 April 2014

Footage overview- storyboard


Looking back to our final footage, we have realised that most of the film doesn't match up with our story board. The shots and timing is different, only similar in aspects of the location and the general idea of what is going on. The first shot is the alley way scene, with Drew and the drunken man. our story board shows a series of close ups and long shots, showing the drunken man walking towards Drew as well as the fight sequence. The filmed footage is similar in concept however very few of the shots are the same as what we had drawn.

The seconds scene, of Drew in the hospital with two other versions of himself like shown on the storyboard, is completely different on our film, now showing a patient report card and a door.
The third scene, of Drew waking up in the wood is the most similar to our story board, with Drew waking up and walking around. Though the timing of this scene doesn't match up, the shots are the closest.

The filmed footage doesn't necessarily match up with our storyboard, due to the fact that when going out to film, we didn't take initiative to check whether any of us had the storyboard, meaning that we had to wing it and guess what we had shown in our story board.

A good thing to come of this however was the ability to play around with the different angles, ending up with a high angle shot of the drunken man, showing his power over Drew, which we had not shown in our storyboard, that we think is effective.

We did not want to redo our storyboard concept as we thought that this gave us something to improve on in the future and meant that we could actually write this blog post about where we went wrong and how we would figure this mistake out for next time.
If we were to re-film any of the scenes again, we would most defiantly make sure that the completed storyboard shows the exact shots we want and that whilst filming, we make sure we stick to the ideas.

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